Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care for Postural Screening
Postural Screening with Non-Invasive Chiropractic Treatments and Physical Therapy
At Action Physical Therapy, we take the time to understand your needs and concerns. Both Physical Therapy and Non-Invasive Chiropractic Treatment may help relieve pain and discomfort. Most patients are so engrossed with their daily work life and activities that one’s posture is the last concern. Proper spinal alignment is essential for optimum health during your life. You’re probably telling your kids to stand tall and sit straight, while you’re spending 8 hours slouching on the computer when sitting at your desk. It seems like we still haven’t figured out the “science“ of a proper posture, so we’re slouching out of habit and it may be comfort.
Posture and Spinal Screenings by a trained and experienced Chiropractor and Physical Therapist
Remember as a child when the school nurse examined your spine during the gym class, looking for any curves or scoliosis?
Now, ask yourself, when was the last time you did postural screenings?
You know that postural screenings detect problems in your spine quickly and easily, right? As a matter of fact, postural screenings are of a big importance for discovering neuromusculoskeletal problems with your body before they cause serious issues. They actually uncover different posture issues that you didn’t know you have in the first place. Unfortunately, a lot of people think that if they don’t feel that something is wrong with their spine, then nothing is wrong. If you are like most people or may treat posture like many things in life, we’re like: if it’s not broken, then why should I care?
Problems that May Occur with a Misaligned Spine due to Poor Posture
However, there are many problems a misaligned spine might be causing that people are not quite aware of, like trouble sleeping and migraine, to name a few. Therefore, postural screenings can reveal crucial health information that with the right treatment can improve your health and general well-being.
What to Expect from a Postural Screening
Taking a good look at your spine, with the help of today’s modern technology, will give us a clear picture of an underlying problem you might have. Postural screenings shorten the time which is needed for diagnosis and shows the way for better and more effective treatment. During your screening, we will evaluate your spinal joints and muscles surrounding them. Then we can assess your range of motion, stress points, tender areas, spine misalignment and other problems that can somehow impact your posture and health.
At Action Physical Therapy, we utilize all the latest advances in physical therapy and chiropractic care tools so that we can provide the best possible treatment plan designed just for you. Our clinical team is dedicated to prompt pain relief, followed by personalized and comprehensive treatment to correct the cause of the problem. Needless to say, we will consult with you regularly on every matter regarding your medical condition and any pain so that we can establish a doctor-patient routine that will improve your health.
Importance of Postural Screenings
As we already said, postural screenings help determine your current health and find the cause of your current health problem – a headache, back pain, or neck pain. Our highly skilled specialists combine their expertise with the latest advances in techniques and tools to diagnose and treat spinal issues to ensure that everything in your body, including discs, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and muscles are properly aligned. To find out more information, schedule a posture screening today and we will provide an effective treatment and suggest different corrective measures.